According to Christian Post Reporter Napp Nazworth, in the April 25, 2015 article, “New Christian Zionists Seek Distance From ‘Wild, Crazy Popular Apocalypticism,’” Craig Blasing is quoted as saying, “We need to recognize that there is a dispensational element that is not wild, crazy popular apocalypticism.” This is according to this group of Christian Zionists that gathered for a conference in Washington, D.C. called, “People of the Land: A Twenty-First Century Case for Christian Zionism,” Blasing says, “Dispensationalists are still associated with the old version of dispensationalism. We do need to recognize that there is a dispensational element that is not wild, crazy popular apocalypticism.” What does he mean by this “older version of dispensationalism?” He means the teaching of the likes of: C.I. Scofield, Lewis Sperry Chafer, John Walvoord, Charles Ryrie, J. Vernon McGee, Hal Lindsey, Mal Couch, Tommy Ice, Tim LaHaye, and yes, even Michele Bachmann!
I would like to know what the “new dispensalationalists,” the progressive dispensationalists, teach differently concerning the Rapture of the Church and the earthly Messianic kingdom in the land of Israel. If the doctrine of imminency (the rapture could happen at any moment) is wild and crazy apocalyticism? What does this group believe about the rapture? Are the progressive dispensationalists moving further away from the “older dispensationalists?”
It is one thing to call these great teachers, “wild, crazy popular apocalyticism,” and another to take over Christian Zionism. Napp reports, “The conference speakers did not take a single position on what their theology means for the current state of Israel. At least one speaker said that supporting a two-state solution for the current Israeli/Palestinian conflict would not necessarily be inconsistent with his theology. Another speaker said he makes a distinction between the current state of Israel and the ‘covenanted people of Israel.’"
It seems this “new Christian Zionism” has come to same conclusion as that of the Christian Palistianism movement – Israel has no specific right to the land of Israel! It seems this group has simply tried to be politically correct when it comes to the modern state of Israel and is trying to redefine what it means to be a Zionist and especially, a Christian Zionist!
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I would like to know what the “new dispensalationalists,” the progressive dispensationalists, teach differently concerning the Rapture of the Church and the earthly Messianic kingdom in the land of Israel. If the doctrine of imminency (the rapture could happen at any moment) is wild and crazy apocalyticism? What does this group believe about the rapture? Are the progressive dispensationalists moving further away from the “older dispensationalists?”
It is one thing to call these great teachers, “wild, crazy popular apocalyticism,” and another to take over Christian Zionism. Napp reports, “The conference speakers did not take a single position on what their theology means for the current state of Israel. At least one speaker said that supporting a two-state solution for the current Israeli/Palestinian conflict would not necessarily be inconsistent with his theology. Another speaker said he makes a distinction between the current state of Israel and the ‘covenanted people of Israel.’"
It seems this “new Christian Zionism” has come to same conclusion as that of the Christian Palistianism movement – Israel has no specific right to the land of Israel! It seems this group has simply tried to be politically correct when it comes to the modern state of Israel and is trying to redefine what it means to be a Zionist and especially, a Christian Zionist!
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